Moscow is finally showing its true colors! Or at least it's magical Autumn colors :)
The weather went from pretty darn cold, to leather jacket weather

Exploring the woods NEVER gets old. There is so much to find and enjoy.
Like this random sketchy latter
There are loads of parks too
filled with artistic stuff like this bench.
(I'm not sure what I'm doing)
And this Magical cube of mirrors!
And whatever the heck these things are.
Also I found my new home. Fairies might live there too...
Russia celebrates Teachers Day! They gave us all these beautiful flowers and had a huge performance.
It. Was. Awesome. :)
After about a week or so, My host mom gave my roses a bath
It's made them last SO much longer
She's a magician
The Russian Circus was sooo cool!
AND it was my first Circus ever. I wish I would have seen one when I was younger so I could have become an Acrobat and fly through the air with only a piece of fabris to hold me up!
And this could have been me.
They also had people on huge Pogo sticks flung into the air and doing backflips!
One day Brooklyn and I decided to go and find this huge red bridge that she had seen in pictures. We could see it from her window on the 15th floor of her apartment building so we figured it wouldn't be that far....
Solid Logic
After stumbling around the forest for two and a half hours, we could see the Bridge!
There was a small walkway on the highway that we decided would be the best route....
Little did we know, it wasn't actually a walkway at all and crazy Russian drivers would zoom past inches from us and we had nowhere to go but to continue on.
I was hyper ventilating in no time.
At one point, Our protective red wall stopped and there was a huge drop but luckily we found this grey grating that we thought if we shimmied onto... we would find our way down.
Turns out this was a worse Idea. The bars would shake as the cars zoomed past and we felt very vulnerable. So we climbed back to our sketchy walkway and eventually found an actual walkway right to our desired red bridge.
Terrifying experience, but an adventure none the less.
That night we climbed a huge ski hill where we could see the gorgeous city lights surrounding us.
City life has it's perks :)
We've now had the chance to see the Russian Ballet perform "The Nutcracker" and "Sleeping Beauty"
I never knew how much I love Ballet
It makes me so happy to see because ballet is the same in every Language
And no matter how confused I am everywhere else in this country,
I understand the Ballet as much as the Russian sitting next to me.
I love all these adorable Russian kids and how wild and crazy they are.
This has been a whirlwind of an experience and I've loved every second.
Until next time.
With Love,
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