Monday, March 25, 2013

Koh Samet, Mermaid Island <3
Quote of the day: "Don't let your dreams be dreams."

 While Chaing Mai holds the most adventure so far, the Island of Koh Samet is the most magical place I've ever been. It is, in every sense, a tropical paradise that I've only ever dreamed of experiencing.

After a ten hour journey of a couple vans and a speed boat, we arrived on the island a little foggy brained at 11:30 PM, found our bungalow and fell right asleep. The next morning I woke up a little early and walked down a few flights of sandy stairs and saw the Real ocean for the first time. I was in absolute awe at the turquoise water and the sand on my feet. The sand here is so white and fine that it literally feels like flour. Ah I love it. When all the other girls woke up we played in the water all day. We bought these super classy goggles and I brought an underwater case for my camera, loads of fun :)
We looked like little kids because we were so excited to use these goggles!

This Island is famous in Thai literature for a story about mermaids to there is this huge statue right next to the water. If you know me at all, you'd know that this made everything even more exciting because I may or may not wish I was a mermaid ha

 Beach life is awesome we laid in the sun, floated in the water, acted like kids and played with goggles, made sand castles and basically forgot about the time just relaxing. Such an amazing break from regular routine. After a day like this, we walked around the island and found a secluded and quite beach to relax on  and then all the sudden we got to light and let go of one of these lanterns that you always see pictures of. It was so magical I can't even explain.

 Later we got Roti (this delicious fried crepe kinda thing with Nutella) but the guy who was making ours was super funny and kept joking with us and we stuck around long enough that he taught us how to make them! when it was my turn he just left to go who knows where and I had to figure it out on my own haha later it was just me and he left again and I had to start making one for this customer from Denmark who I'm pretty sure could tell I had no idea what I was doing haha

 We also stumbled upon the coolest fire dancing show ever. The guys would get in standing pyramids while spinning around flaming sticks,dancing and kicking around a flaming soccer balls. So awesome and extremely impressive. The guy who taught us to make Roti used to be a fire dancer and taught me a tiny bit of how to do it! without flames of course. I'm almost as bad at fire dancing as I am at making Roti. This picture is from the finally when all the fire that they were spinning was going everywhere!

The next day we spent our time at the beach of course and these guys would walk around selling the most incredible mangoes I think i'll probably ever eat again. I miss them already.

We took a Truck across the island to a different beach to watch the sunset but its almost all dirt roads on the island. so it was more like off-roading with not seat belts! so fun. 

When we got to the other beach we were pleasantly surprised because it was almost completely deserted. Turns out this beach has a few pricey resorts with rich people who don't play in the water, (some people are so poor, all they have is money) but don't worry, we took advantage of it for them :)
We ate dinner right on the beach. Its crazy that we can have such luxury for a fraction of the price it would be back home. I've never been so pampered in my life! 

All in all, this weekend was again, the most magical couple days I can even imagine. It still feels like a dream and I don't think I can love the beach any more than I do now. Honestly I'm considering planning a few months of becoming a beach bum into my future. ha. Well, unbelievably, there are more adventures to come.

Love from Thailand,
Nesha <3

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