Sunday, September 15, 2013

Red Square, Moscow


I have a new found passionate love for Moscow! This weekend we explored down by Red Square, and since it was a tad bit rainy, there weren't very many people there!

Inside St. Basil's Cathedral is an incredible castle with secret passageways and tiny rooms to explore! We followed a tiny, steep, brick spiral staircase up to an opening at the top of the cathedral where the most incredible acapella group I've ever heard was singing. Their voices bounced off the high ceilings and came back in a perfect harmony that sang to my soul. It truly brought the Cathedral to life. 

 The area around Red Square is so beautiful! Walking around the European streets bundled up in scarves and boots is just Heaven! The weather is just perfect this time of year, cold enough to feel cozy in your fall clothes but not so cold that you can't feel your toes! :)
 The Russians happen to love England, so sometimes we pretend like we are from there! haha

Even the Russians were taking pictures with this gem!

 Red Square at night was so magical, we sat on the cobblestone listening to Frank Sinatra coming from a cafe, enjoying the white lights, crisp air and Krispe Kreme donuts.
All the main buildings are lit up like Christmas :)

 It rains A LOT here! but I happen to LOVE rainy, cold days... it makes for good Sweatpants/hot chocolate/movies days. But here we walk around in it loads more, which is why I've used an umbrella 100 times more than I have in my whole life. Another great thing about the rain, It makes this wonderful forest possible.

 I explored this one on my own, which ended up being WAY creepier than I thought, there were beer bottles and trash EVERYWHERE. Not to mention shopping carts, clothes, and cardboard boxes that looked like they were used for sleeping. this little adventure made me sad in so many ways. 1. there are people who live out there with nothing but a box to keep them safe :( 2. the people in this city keep there streets spic and span but don't even pay a second glance to there wooded area's. But I was also happy cuz I found a place where I couldn't see all the building. (not that I don't like the buildings, it's just a nice change of scenery :)

With Love,

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