Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer in Yellowstone National Park!

 So Michaela from my Thailand group told me all about how amazing working in Yellowstone National Park was for her and I wanted to experience those same types of things. I applied for the Lake Yellowstone Hotel dining room with Kenzie, the most amazing best friend anyone could ask for :)

 We started working as bussers, carrying heavy trays and cleaning up peoples tables all day. Not the most glamorous of jobs, but the fact that we lived in such an incredible place, where bears, elk, and bison were everywhere around us, well, I would say that it was worth it!
We met some of the coolest, most down-to-earth people there from all over the world.

We jumped off huge boulders and into waterfalls, hiked to what felt like untouched nature, did some creative things like sled down mountains in kiddy pools and just enjoyed the park in a way that a lot of people never get to see. I learned here that the mountains is where I will end up and stay one day :)

I left a few weeks early to prepare to go to Moscow Russia with the ILP program. This time I will go as a head teacher which means I'll have a lot more responsibility and stress, but it will be free to go and include a stipend! Fare trade :)

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