Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sukhothai and Birthday

Quote of the day: "Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself."

So we decided to go to Sukhothai on a day trip since its not that far and it was quite the adventure. We didn't realize how many different forms of transportation we would be using until the end of the day. They include: Two different bikes each, Trains, Buses, and several Tuk Tuks, it was awesome to have them all on one day and not to mention, very cheap. So after about two short hours of travel, we arrived in Sukhothai, Split a Tuk Tuk with some Belgians who bartered us into about 50 Cents each. (gotta love bartering), and then arrived at Sukhothais "Old City" where many ancient ruins can be found. 

We rented bikes because the ruins are pretty spread apart and it's a lot easier to explore that way. We were actually surprised by how impressed we were by these 1 dollar for a day rental bikes. I even had an extra seat to carry my super heavy purse :)
The ruins were pretty impressive. They were really beautiful in a different way than we usually see here in Thailand. Usually the temples are decked out in ornate detail, impressive jewels and gold paint. But here in Suhothai, things were quite, the bricks were falling to crumbles, and it was just as beautiful as ever. 

The ponds here are almost always filled with these lily pads and flowers and if its possible, make everything greener. 

 There are so many of these huge Buddha's in the remains of 26 temples and Royal Palace from the 13th and 14th centuries. When we left the actual historic park we rode our bikes on the high way for a few minutes and stumbled upon this really cool elephant temple. I looked it up and I think its called Wat Chang Lom. Anyway, it was pretty cool.

 Behind it, we found these remains of ancient pillars probably holding up another temple and may or may not have done a few Yoga poses on them. :)

We also found this cute little bridge and to our surprise  all that green stuff underneath is entirely FOUR LEAF CLOVERS. Now that's one lucky bridge. So we got one for each of us and pressed it in my journal. 

After exploring we went to find food and found the famous Sukhothai noodles that we've heard people ravig about. I thought they were absolutely delicious and after adding some of the spices they gave us, my mouth was on fire. I might add that my Chop Stick ability is improving immensely.  
 On the way home, our train ticket got mixed up and we ended up staying there for about three hours longer than anticipated. While we were waiting in the station, one of the guards guided us into the VIP room with couches and air conditioning, for whatever reason, and then left us haha It was super nice of him. After waiting in there for a while we went out to check for our train and an old man started singing something about how we stole his heart haha. He was able to speak to us in English though and wasn't a creeper like some people who sing to us as we pass through.

On Monday was my Birthday and the kids attacked me from the beginning of the day :) You cant tell here, but I'm pretty sure there were five kids attached to me!

We were suppose to make chefs hats in my class but it ended up like this (Party Hats?) idk but the kids loved them!
This is Mhew... She's precious and always tries to help me clean everything up all the time. 

Aren't they adorable! I'm so lucky :) When I walked into our apartment after school, the girls had decorated the whole thing!! Notes and streamers and Happy Birthday signs hanging from the ceiling and sparkly table clothes, a "red carpet" to my bed haha and an actual cake! It was so Awesome of them. 

They also made this card that all my kids wrote adorable notes in and the girls wrote our inside jokes on the back. I'm not gonna lie, I cried a little. 

Later that day we went to one of our kids restaurant (or her parents) and had a delicious meal as well as the fancy Ice Cream place in town. And at night I got to babysit and play hide and go seek with some of my favorite kids on earth. 

 Love from Thailand,
Nesha <3

1 comment:

  1. Nesha, I must say, you are a wonderful person and a light to so many! love you so much. keep the Tai time coming, please. you really make.the world a better place; do many beautiful pictures.
