Monday, February 11, 2013


Quote of the Day: " Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."- Ralf Waldo Emerson

Oh what great adventures are to be found in Bankok. We only went up for the weekend so we didn't have a huge amount of time to explore but we had loads of fun! We woke up around 2:30 AM to leave with our private driver down to the big city. About 5 hours later we arrived at the floating market.
This was our first view of the river from above and we were stoked. 

Pretty sure this coconut was the first purchase from the crew

We were in a boat with a guy in the back paddling through and every once an a while, one of these motor boats would zoom by. Im glad we had a nice slow ride to enjoy everything. 

The people in shops like these would pay attention to your face and if you looked the slightest bit interested, they would hook your boat and pull you to the side of there shop. Im not very good at hiding my expressions so we got hooked a lot :) 
We stopped for ten minutes to check out this "coconut factory" shop and they had tons of awesome stuff. Loads of elephant carvings too and some of them were pretty this elephant butt book end haha.

After the floating market, we drove to the city! I was sooo surprised because First of all it was MASSIVE. the biggest city I've ever seen by far. the skyscrapers just never seemed to end. Plus there were loads of rich green trees all throughout the city that you could see from the highway. It was much more beautiful than I had imagined.

So when we got into the city we headed over to the Grand Palace which was pretty cool. But I'll be honest with you, we waited in like for like 20 minutes to rent a long skirt for "appropriate attire" and we were about halfway through the line when we decided we didn't really want to pay 20 bucks to see a building. So we got a nice eyeful of what we could see and moved on!

Our driver dropped us off at my very first Hostel which had this incredible view and was really nice for around $12 a night! madness
A few of us had some appointments like hair and stuff so we took care of business for the rest of the day. After our appointments, we went to the night market. Our taxi driver took us to this really sketch market with loads of raunchy stuff and people constantly asking us if we wanted to "see the show" so we stayed for 20 minutes max and then found a tuk tuk outa there! haha We had gone to loads of markets that day so I wasn't upset about missing out on that sketchiness

In the morning me and Lindsay spent the morning enjoying a MUCH calmer Bankok. We walked around and just found some cool shops to go into and found the most delicious donuts I've ever had. 

I'm not sure which Temple this is but it was beautiful. (I feel like in Thailand, you can walk ten feet and find a beautiful buddhist temple. It's awesome)

So We just to happened to be there on the first day of the Chinese New Year so of course we went to Chinatown! It was really cool to see the way the Chinese celebrate with all these beautiful lanterns and booths. And it was especially cool because it was Chinese, Thai, Indians, Europeans, and Americans all celebrating together. 

We walked down a side street for a couple minutes and BAM, all the hustle and bustle of the celebration was gone. 

We hadn't really thought it through that we would have to check out of the hostel at noon and carry all of our stuff with us. So Lindsay had the wise idea to turn her duffle bag into this backpack and tie all of our purchased goods to the straps, but then the straps were super painful on our shoulders so we put folded clothes on our shoulders as padding for the bag.ha It was super Ghetto and so fabulous at the same time. 

When we go to the reclining buddha, we had to where these lime green things so that we had long sleeves. Our bag contraption was way too complicated to take of so we rocked the Hunchback look!

Biggest toes I've ever seen. It was super cool though because those white swirls are actually pearl encrested.... Mr. Fancy feet

The size of this Buddha was absolutely incredible and it was amazing to see. Definitely one of my very favorite parts about Bangkok. 

All the Temples around the reclining Buddha were so incredibly intricate. The gold detailing just makes everything so gorgeous that it just has a glow about it.

At the end of our adventure, we all met up and piled into this tuk tuk! In contrast to the small town of Bangkok, they don't stare because you're white, they stare because we do stupid stuff like cram 6 girls into a tiny open vehicle. :) It was a very painful and thrilling experience and I ended up going the last ten minutes practically 2/3 of the way out of the tuk tuk. Needless to say we had more than three people on the streets take a picture of us!

Bankok was a great experience and I'm so glad we went. We got ripped off a few times but I learned how to barter, slept in my first hostel, took my first Taxi, and had awesome experiences that I'll never forget.

P.S. my computer broke so Lindsay let me use her Mac...which I dont understand how to use, so none of these pictures are edited and dont really do the sites just imagine them more awesome :)

Love from Thailand,
Nesha <3